The documentation pages only for a limited number of integrations contain the setup steps and instructions. If you do not see the setup steps on a certain integration doc page:
- Navigate to the Operations for Applications GUI and click Integrations on the toolbar.
- Search for the integration that you want to set up and click its tile.
- The detailed instructions for setting up and configuring the integration are on the Setup tab.
Here's how to learn about the VMware Aria Operations for Applications integrations:

Learn about different types of integrations, and watch a video that explains the basics.

What's New?
List of new and changed integrations, updated with each release.

Details on setting up and customizing some of our key integrations.

Tanzu and Kubernetes integration details, troubleshooting, and FAQs.
Pages labeled with .
A script creates the doc page for each integration from the Operations for Applications UI.
Title | Summary |
Active Directory Integration | Learn about the Active Directory Integration. |
Apache ActiveMQ Integration | Learn about the Apache ActiveMQ Integration. |
ADFS Integration | Learn about the ADFS Integration. |
AWS ALB Integration | Learn about the AWS ALB Integration. |
AWS API Gateway Integration | Learn about the AWS API Gateway Integration. |
AWS Auto Scaling Integration | Learn about the AWS Auto Scaling Integration. |
AWS Elastic Beanstalk Integration | Learn about the AWS Elastic Beanstalk Integration. |
Amazon CloudFront Integration | Learn about the Amazon CloudFront Integration. |
Amazon Cloud Search Integration | Learn about the Amazon Cloud Search Integration. |
AWS CloudTrail Integration | Learn about the AWS CloudTrail Integration. |
AWS Direct Connect Integration | Learn about the AWS Direct Connect Integration. |
Amazon DMS Integration | Learn about the Amazon DMS Integration. |
Amazon DynamoDB Integration | Learn about the Amazon DynamoDB Integration. |
Amazon EBS Integration | Learn about the Amazon EBS Integration. |
Amazon EC2 Integration | Learn about the Amazon EC2 Integration. |
Amazon ECS Integration | Learn about the Amazon ECS Integration. |
Amazon ECS (Fargate) Integration | Learn about the Amazon ECS (Fargate) Integration. |
Amazon EFS Integration | Learn about the Amazon EFS Integration. |
Amazon EKS Integration | Learn about the Amazon EKS Integration. |
Amazon ElasticCache Integration | Learn about the Amazon ElasticCache Integration. |
Amazon Elastic Transcoder Integration | Learn about the Amazon Elastic Transcoder Integration. |
Amazon Elasticsearch Integration | Learn about the Amazon Elasticsearch Integration. |
AWS ELB Integration | Learn about the AWS ELB Integration. |
Amazon EMR Integration | Learn about the Amazon EMR Integration. |
Amazon Kinesis Data Firehose Integration | Learn about the Amazon Kinesis Data Firehose Integration. |
Amazon FSx Integration | Learn about the Amazon FSx Integration. |
Amazon IoT Integration | Learn about the Amazon IoT Integration. |
AWS IAM Integration | Learn about the AWS IAM Integration. |
Amazon Kinesis Data Stream Integration | Learn about the Amazon Kinesis Data Stream Integration. |
AWS KMS Integration | Learn about the AWS KMS Integration. |
AWS Lambda Integration | Learn about the AWS Lambda Integration. |
Amazon OpsWorks Integration | Learn about the Amazon OpsWorks Integration. |
Amazon RDS Integration | Learn about the Amazon RDS Integration. |
Amazon Redshift Integration | Learn about the Amazon Redshift Integration. |
Amazon Route53 Integration | Learn about the Amazon Route53 Integration. |
Amazon S3 Integration | Learn about the Amazon S3 Integration. |
Amazon SNS Integration | Learn about the Amazon SNS Integration. |
Amazon SQS Integration | Learn about the Amazon SQS Integration. |
Apache HTTP Integration | Learn about the Apache HTTP Integration. |
AppDynamics Integration | Learn about the AppDynamics Integration. |
Amazon Web Services Integration | Learn about the Amazon Web Services Integration. |
AWS App Mesh Integration | Learn about the AWS App Mesh Integration. |
Amazon Linux AMI Host Integration | Learn about the Amazon Linux AMI Host Integration. |
Microsoft Azure Integration | Learn about the Microsoft Azure Integration. |
Azure AD Integration | Learn about the Azure AD Integration. |
Microsoft Azure Application Gateways Integration | Learn about the Microsoft Azure Application Gateways Integration. |
Microsoft Azure Kubernetes Services Integration | Learn about the Microsoft Azure Kubernetes Services Integration. |
Microsoft Azure App Service Integration | Learn about the Microsoft Azure App Service Integration. |
Microsoft Azure Container Instances Integration | Learn about the Microsoft Azure Container Instances Integration. |
Microsoft Azure Cosmos DB Integration | Learn about the Microsoft Azure Cosmos DB Integration. |
Microsoft Azure Event Hub Integration | Learn about the Microsoft Azure Event Hub Integration. |
Microsoft Azure Files Integration | Learn about the Microsoft Azure Files Integration. |
Microsoft Azure Functions Integration | Learn about the Microsoft Azure Functions Integration. |
Microsoft Azure HDInsight Integration | Learn about the Microsoft Azure HDInsight Integration. |
Microsoft Azure Load Balancers Integration | Learn about the Microsoft Azure Load Balancers Integration. |
Microsoft Azure Redis Caches Integration | Learn about the Microsoft Azure Redis Caches Integration. |
Microsoft Azure SQL Database Integration | Learn about the Microsoft Azure SQL Database Integration. |
Microsoft Azure SQL Datawarehouse Integration | Learn about the Microsoft Azure SQL Datawarehouse Integration. |
Microsoft Azure Storage Integration | Learn about the Microsoft Azure Storage Integration. |
Microsoft Azure Virtual Machine Integration | Learn about the Microsoft Azure Virtual Machine Integration. |
Microsoft Azure Virtual Machine Scale Sets Integration | Learn about the Microsoft Azure Virtual Machine Scale Sets Integration. |
BigPanda Integration | Learn about the BigPanda Integration. |
Atlassian Bitbucket Integration | Learn about the Atlassian Bitbucket Integration. |
Cassandra Integration | Learn about the Cassandra Integration. |
Catchpoint Integration | Learn about the Catchpoint Integration. |
CentOS Host Integration | Learn about the CentOS Host Integration. |
Ceph Integration | Learn about the Ceph Integration. |
Cernan Integration | Learn about the Cernan Integration. |
Chef Integration | Learn about the Chef Integration. |
Concourse CI Integration | Learn about the Concourse CI Integration. |
Consul Integration | Learn about the Consul Integration. |
Convox Integration | Learn about the Convox Integration. |
CoreOS Integration | Learn about the CoreOS Integration. |
Couchbase Integration | Learn about the Couchbase Integration. |
CouchDB Integration | Learn about the CouchDB Integration. |
C Sharp Integration | Learn about the C Sharp Integration. |
Datadog Integration | Learn about the Datadog Integration. |
Debian Host Integration | Learn about the Debian Host Integration. |
Docker with cAdvisor Integration | Learn about the Docker with cAdvisor Integration. |
.NET Integration | Learn about the .NET Integration. |
.NET Core Integration | Learn about the .NET Core Integration. |
Dynatrace Integration | Learn about the Dynatrace Integration. |
Elasticsearch Integration | Learn about the Elasticsearch Integration. |
Envoy Proxy Integration | Learn about the Envoy Proxy Integration. |
etcd KV store Integration | Learn about the etcd KV store Integration. |
FoundationDB Integration | Learn about the FoundationDB Integration. |
Fedora Linux Host Integration | Learn about the Fedora Linux Host Integration. |
Filebeat Log Data Integration | Learn about the Filebeat Log Data Integration. |
Fluentd Integration | Learn about the Fluentd Integration. |
Google Cloud Platform Integration | Learn about the Google Cloud Platform Integration. |
Google Apigee Integration | Learn about the Google Apigee Integration. |
Google App Engine Integration | Learn about the Google App Engine Integration. |
Google BigQuery Integration | Learn about the Google BigQuery Integration. |
Google Cloud Bigtable Integration | Learn about the Google Cloud Bigtable Integration. |
Google Cloud Billing Integration | Learn about the Google Cloud Billing Integration. |
Google Cloud Datastore Integration | Learn about the Google Cloud Datastore Integration. |
Google Firebase Integration | Learn about the Google Firebase Integration. |
Google Cloud Functions Integration | Learn about the Google Cloud Functions Integration. |
Google Cloud Logging Integration | Learn about the Google Cloud Logging Integration. |
Google Cloud Router Integration | Learn about the Google Cloud Router Integration. |
Google Cloud Spanner Integration | Learn about the Google Cloud Spanner Integration. |
Google Cloud Storage Integration | Learn about the Google Cloud Storage Integration. |
Google Cloud VPN Integration | Learn about the Google Cloud VPN Integration. |
Google Compute Engine Integration | Learn about the Google Compute Engine Integration. |
Google Container Engine Integration | Learn about the Google Container Engine Integration. |
Google Dataproc Integration | Learn about the Google Dataproc Integration. |
Google Kubernetes Engine Integration | Learn about the Google Kubernetes Engine Integration. |
Google ML Engine Integration | Learn about the Google ML Engine Integration. |
Google Cloud Pub/Sub Integration | Learn about the Google Cloud Pub/Sub Integration. |
VMware GemFire® Integration | Learn about the VMware GemFire® Integration. |
Github Integration | Learn about the Github Integration. |
GitLab Integration | Learn about the GitLab Integration. |
Go Integration | Learn about the Go Integration. |
Google Integration | Learn about the Google Integration. |
Grafana Integration | Learn about the Grafana Integration. |
Graphite Integration | Learn about the Graphite Integration. |
VMware Tanzu Greenplum Integration | Learn about the VMware Tanzu Greenplum Integration. |
Apache Hadoop HDFS Integration | Learn about the Apache Hadoop HDFS Integration. |
Apache Hadoop MapReduce Integration | Learn about the Apache Hadoop MapReduce Integration. |
Apache Hadoop YARN Integration | Learn about the Apache Hadoop YARN Integration. |
HAProxy Integration | Learn about the HAProxy Integration. |
Microsoft Hyper-V Integration | Learn about the Microsoft Hyper-V Integration. |
IIS Integration | Learn about the IIS Integration. |
Apache Impala Integration | Learn about the Apache Impala Integration. |
Istio Integration | Learn about the Istio Integration. |
Jaeger Integration | Learn about the Jaeger Integration. |
Java Integration | Learn about the Java Integration. |
JBoss AS Integration | Learn about the JBoss AS Integration. |
Jenkins Integration | Learn about the Jenkins Integration. |
Jira Integration | Learn about the Jira Integration. |
JMX Integration | Learn about the JMX Integration. |
Kafka Integration | Learn about the Kafka Integration. |
Kong Integration | Learn about the Kong Integration. |
Kubernetes Integration | Learn about the Kubernetes Integration. |
Apache Kudu Integration | Learn about the Apache Kudu Integration. |
Lighttpd Integration | Learn about the Lighttpd Integration. |
Linux Host Integration | Learn about the Linux Host Integration. |
VMware Aria Operations for Logs Integration | Learn about the VMware Aria Operations for Logs Integration. |
Log Data Integration | Learn about the Log Data Integration. |
Logstash Integration | Learn about the Logstash Integration. |
Mac Host Integration | Learn about the Mac Host Integration. |
Marathon Integration | Learn about the Marathon Integration. |
Memcached Integration | Learn about the Memcached Integration. |
Apache Mesos Integration | Learn about the Apache Mesos Integration. |
Micrometer Integration | Learn about the Micrometer Integration. |
MongoDB Integration | Learn about the MongoDB Integration. |
Microsoft Exchange Integration | Learn about the Microsoft Exchange Integration. |
Microsoft Teams Integration | Learn about the Microsoft Teams Integration. |
MySQL Integration | Learn about the MySQL Integration. |
Nagios Integration | Learn about the Nagios Integration. |
NetBSD Host Integration | Learn about the NetBSD Host Integration. |
New Relic Integration | Learn about the New Relic Integration. |
NGINX Integration | Learn about the NGINX Integration. |
NGINX Plus Integration | Learn about the NGINX Plus Integration. |
NVIDIA Integration | Learn about the NVIDIA Integration. |
Oracle Linux Host Integration | Learn about the Oracle Linux Host Integration. |
Okta Integration | Learn about the Okta Integration. |
OneLogin Integration | Learn about the OneLogin Integration. |
OpenShift Integration | Learn about the OpenShift Integration. |
OpenTelemetry Integration | Learn about the OpenTelemetry Integration. |
OpenTSDB Integration | Learn about the OpenTSDB Integration. |
OpsGenie Integration | Learn about the OpsGenie Integration. |
Oracle RDBMS Integration | Learn about the Oracle RDBMS Integration. |
PagerDuty Integration | Learn about the PagerDuty Integration. |
Papertrail Integration | Learn about the Papertrail Integration. |
Photon OS Host Integration | Learn about the Photon OS Host Integration. |
PHP-FPM Integration | Learn about the PHP-FPM Integration. |
Pingdom Integration | Learn about the Pingdom Integration. |
PingOne Integration | Learn about the PingOne Integration. |
PostgreSQL Integration | Learn about the PostgreSQL Integration. |
Prometheus Integration | Learn about the Prometheus Integration. |
Puppet Server Integration | Learn about the Puppet Server Integration. |
Python Integration | Learn about the Python Integration. |
RabbitMQ Integration | Learn about the RabbitMQ Integration. |
Rancher Integration | Learn about the Rancher Integration. |
Red Hat Enterprise Linux Host Integration | Learn about the Red Hat Enterprise Linux Host Integration. |
Redis Integration | Learn about the Redis Integration. |
Riak KV Store Integration | Learn about the Riak KV Store Integration. |
Rollbar Integration | Learn about the Rollbar Integration. |
Runscope Integration | Learn about the Runscope Integration. |
VMware Spring Cloud Data Flow for Kubernetes Integration | Learn about the VMware Spring Cloud Data Flow for Kubernetes Integration. |
ServiceNow Integration | Learn about the ServiceNow Integration. |
SharePoint Integration | Learn about the SharePoint Integration. |
Slack Integration | Learn about the Slack Integration. |
SNMP Integration | Learn about the SNMP Integration. |
Snowflake Integration | Learn about the Snowflake Integration. |
Apache Solr Integration | Learn about the Apache Solr Integration. |
Apache Spark Integration | Learn about the Apache Spark Integration. |
Splunk Integration | Learn about the Splunk Integration. |
Spring Boot Integration | Learn about the Spring Boot Integration. |
Microsoft SQL Server Integration | Learn about the Microsoft SQL Server Integration. |
StatsD Integration | Learn about the StatsD Integration. |
Suse Linux Host Integration | Learn about the Suse Linux Host Integration. |
Tanzu Observability Usage Integration | Learn about the Tanzu Observability Usage Integration. |
VMware Tanzu Application Service Integration | Learn about the VMware Tanzu Application Service Integration. |
tcServer Integration | Learn about the tcServer Integration. |
Telegraf Integration | Learn about the Telegraf Integration. |
VMware Tanzu™ Kubernetes Grid™ Integrated Edition Integration | Learn about the VMware Tanzu™ Kubernetes Grid™ Integrated Edition Integration. |
VMware Tanzu Mission Control Advanced Integration | Learn about the VMware Tanzu Mission Control Advanced Integration. |
Apache Tomcat Integration | Learn about the Apache Tomcat Integration. |
Tanzu Observability Tour Integration | Learn about the Tanzu Observability Tour Integration. |
VMware Tanzu Service Mesh Integration | Learn about the VMware Tanzu Service Mesh Integration. |
Tanzu Observability Tutorial Integration | Learn about the Tanzu Observability Tutorial Integration. |
Twemproxy Integration | Learn about the Twemproxy Integration. |
Ubuntu Host Integration | Learn about the Ubuntu Host Integration. |
Uptime Integration | Learn about the Uptime Integration. |
Varnish Cache Integration | Learn about the Varnish Cache Integration. |
Hashicorp Vault Integration | Learn about the Hashicorp Vault Integration. |
Velero Integration | Learn about the Velero Integration. |
Splunk On-Call Integration | Learn about the Splunk On-Call Integration. |
VMware Cloud on AWS Integration | Learn about the VMware Cloud on AWS Integration. |
VMware Aria Operations (SaaS) Integration | Learn about the VMware Aria Operations (SaaS) Integration. |
VMware vSphere Integration | Learn about the VMware vSphere Integration. |
vSphere with Tanzu Integration | Learn about the vSphere with Tanzu Integration. |
Chef Server Integration | Learn about the Chef Server Integration. |
Terraform Provider Integration | Learn about the Terraform Provider Integration. |
Webhooks Integration | Learn about the Webhooks Integration. |
Oracle WebLogic Server Integration | Learn about the Oracle WebLogic Server Integration. |
IBM WebSphere Application Server Integration | Learn about the IBM WebSphere Application Server Integration. |
WildFly Integration | Learn about the WildFly Integration. |
Windows Host Integration | Learn about the Windows Host Integration. |
Windows Performance Counters Integration | Learn about the Windows Performance Counters Integration. |
Windows Service Integration | Learn about the Windows Service Integration. |
VMware Workspace ONE Access Integration | Learn about the VMware Workspace ONE Access Integration. |
Zabbix Integration | Learn about the Zabbix Integration. |
Zipkin Integration | Learn about the Zipkin Integration. |
ZooKeeper Integration | Learn about the ZooKeeper Integration. |