Learn about the Java Integration.

This page provides an overview of what you can do with the Java integration. The documentation pages only for a limited number of integrations contain the setup steps and instructions. If you do not see the setup steps here, navigate to the Operations for Applications GUI. The detailed instructions for setting up and configuring all integrations, including the Java integration are on the Setup tab of the integration.

  1. Log in to your Operations for Applications instance.
  2. Click Integrations on the toolbar, search for and click the Java tile.
  3. Click the Setup tab and you will see the most recent and up-to-date instructions.

Java Integration

The Wavefront Java integration allows you to send Java application metrics to Tanzu Observability. You can collect metrics in two ways.

  • Java SDKs
  • Java using Telegraf Jolokia2 Agent Plugin

Java SDKs

Tanzu Observability provides several Java SDKs for different purposes on GitHub:

  • wavefront-sdk-java: Core SDK for sending different telemetry data to Tanzu Observability. Data include metrics, delta counters, distributions, and spans.
  • wavefront-dropwizard-metrics-sdk-java: Provides reporters and constructs, such as counters, meters, and histograms to periodically report application metrics and distributions to Tanzu Observability.
  • wavefront-dropwizard-sdk-java: Provides out-of-the-box metrics for your Dropwizard application and periodically reports that data to Tanzu Observability.
  • wavefront-runtime-sdk-jvm: Wavefront JVM SDK. Provides out-of-the-box metrics for the Java Virtual Machine (JVM) that runs your Java application.
  • wavefront-opentracing-sdk-java: Wavefront OpenTracing Java SDK. See our tracing documentation for background.
  • wavefront-grpc-sdk-java: Wavefront gRPC Java SDK. Provides out-of-the-box metrics, histograms, and trace data from gRPC operations in your Java application and reports that data to Tanzu Observability.
  • wavefront-jaxrs-sdk-java: Wavefront JAX-RS Java SDK. Provides out-of-the-box trace data from JAX-RS based clients in your Java application and reports that data to Tanzu Observability.
  • wavefront-jersey-sdk-java: Wavefront Jersey Java SDK. Provides out-of-the-box metrics, histograms, and, optionally, traces from your Jersey-based Java application, and reports that data to Tanzu Observability.

On the Setup tab, the integration includes sample code based on wavefront-dropwizard-metrics-sdk-java for sending metrics to a Wavefront proxy or using direct ingestion.

Java using Telegraf Jolokia2 Agent Plugin

You can use the Jolokia2 Agent Telegraf Input Plugin to collect and send JVM metrics to Tanzu Observability which does not require any code changes.


In addition to setting up the metrics flow, this integration also installs dashboards:

  • Java
  • Java on Kubernetes
  • Java Using Telegraf

Here’s a screenshot of the Java on Kubernetes dashboard with metrics collected from JVM by wavefront-dropwizard-metrics-sdk-java.



Metric Name Description
jvm.buffer-pool.direct.* Metrics for direct (not mapped) JVM buffer pools.
jvm.buffer-pool.direct.count Direct JVM buffer pools count.
jvm.buffer-pool.direct.capacity Direct JVM buffer pools capacity.
jvm.buffer-pool.direct.used Used direct JVM buffer pools.
jvm.buffer-pool.mapped.* Metrics for mapped (not direct) JVM buffer pools.
jvm.buffer-pool.mapped.count Mapped JVM buffer pools count.
jvm.buffer-pool.mapped.capacity Mapped JVM buffer pools capacity.
jvm.buffer-pool.mapped.used Used mapped JVM buffer pools.
jvm.buffer.* JVM buffer metrics.
jvm.buffer.count JVM buffer pools count.
jvm.buffer.count.buffers Number of buffers in the JVM pool.
jvm.buffer.count.buffers.gauge An estimate of the number of buffers in the JVM pool.
jvm.buffer.memory.* JVM buffer memory metrics.
jvm.buffer.memory.used The memory that the Java virtual machine is using for this buffer pool.
jvm.buffer.memory.used.bytes The memory that the Java virtual machine is using for this buffer pool in bytes.
jvm.buffer.memory.used.bytes.gauge An estimate of the memory that the Java virtual machine is using for this buffer pool.
jvm.buffer.total.capacity.* JVM total buffer capacity metrics.
jvm.buffer.total.capacity JVM total buffer capacity.
jvm.buffer.total.capacity.bytes JVM total buffer capacity in bytes.
jvm.buffer.total.capacity.bytes.gauge An estimate of the total capacity of the buffers in this pool.
jvm.buffers.direct.* Metrics for direct (not mapped) JVM buffers.
jvm.buffers.direct.count Number of direct JVM buffers in the pool.
jvm.buffers.direct.capacity An estimate of the total capacity of the direct JVM buffers in this pool.
jvm.buffers.direct.used Number of direct JVM buffers used in the pool.
jvm.buffers.mapped.count Metrics for mapped (not direct) JVM buffers.
jvm.buffers.mapped.capacity An estimate of the total capacity of the mapped JVM buffers in this pool
jvm.buffers.mapped.used Number of Mapped JVM buffers used in the pool.
jvm.classes.loaded.* Metrics for loaded JVM classes
jvm.classes.loaded The number of classes that are currently loaded in the JVM.
jvm.classes.loaded.classes The number of classes that are currently loaded in the JVM.
jvm.classes.loaded.classes.gauge The estimated number of classes that are currently loaded in the JVM.
jvm.classes.unloaded.* Metrics for unloaded JVM classes.
jvm.classes.unloaded Number of unloaded JVM classes.
jvm.classes.unloaded.classes.total Total number of unloaded JVM classes.
jvm.classes.unloaded.classes.total.counter Total number of unloaded classes since the JVM has started execution.
jvm.current_time Current time.
jvm.gc.G1-*-Generation. * JVM garbage collection metrics (old or young generation)
jvm.gc.G1-Old-Generation.count Old generation G1 garbage collections count.
jvm.gc.G1-Old-Generation.time Time of old generation G1 garbage collections.
jvm.gc.G1-Young-Generation.count Young generation G1 garbage collections count.
jvm.gc.G1-Young-Generation.time Time of young generation G1 garbage collections.
jvm.gc.PS-*. * Metrics for the PS MarkSweep and PS Scavenge Java beans.
jvm.gc.PS-MarkSweep.count PS MarkSweep garbage collections count.
jvm.gc.PS-MarkSweep.time PS MarkSweep garbage collections time.
jvm.gc.PS-Scavenge.count PS Scavenge garbage collections count.
jvm.gc.PS-Scavenge.time PS Scavenge garbage collections time.
jvm.gc.concurrent.phase.time.* Metrics for JVM concurrent garbage collection (Mark Sweep collector).
jvm.gc.concurrent.phase.time.count JVM concurrent garbage collection time count.
jvm.gc.concurrent.phase.time.max JVM concurrent garbage collection maximum time.
jvm.gc.concurrent.phase.time.sum Sum of the JVM concurrent garbage collection time.
jvm.gc.concurrent.phase.time.avg Average time spent in JVM concurrent garbage collection.
jvm.gc.live.data.* Metrics for JVM garbage collection live data.
jvm.gc.live.data.size The live data size is the size (in bytes) of the old generation after a major garbage collection.
jvm.gc.live.data.size.bytes The live data size is the size (in bytes) of the old generation after a major garbage collection.
jvm.gc.live.data.size.bytes.gauge An estimate of the live data size of the old generation after a major garbage collection.
jvm.gc.max.data.* Metrics for JVM garbage collection max data size.
jvm.gc.max.data.size The maximum size of long-lived heap memory pool for the old generation (in bytes).
jvm.gc.max.data.size.bytes The maximum size of long-lived heap memory pool for the old generation (in bytes).
jvm.gc.max.data.size.bytes.gauge An estimate of the maximum size of long-lived heap memory pool for the old generation (in bytes).
jvm.gc.memory.allocated Increase in the size of the young heap memory pool after one garbage collection and before the next.
jvm.gc.memory.allocated.bytes.total Total number of bytes of increase in the size of the young heap memory pool after one garbage collection and before the next.
jvm.gc.memory.allocated.bytes.total.counter Increase in the size of the young heap memory pool after one garbage collection and before the next (total count number).
jvm.gc.memory.* Metrics for JVM garbage collection memory.
jvm.gc.memory.promoted Count of positive increases in the size of the old generation memory pool from before garbage collection to after garbage collection.
jvm.gc.memory.promoted.bytes.total Count of positive increases in the size of the old generation memory pool from before garbage collection to after garbage collection (total number of bytes).
jvm.gc.memory.promoted.bytes.total.counter Count of positive increases in the size of the old generation memory pool from before garbage collection to after garbage collection (total count of number of bytes).
jvm.gc.pause.* Pause-related metrics for JVM garbage collection.
jvm.gc.pause.count Count of JVM garbage collection pauses.
jvm.gc.pause.max Maximum number of JVM garbage collection pauses.
jvm.gc.pause.count Count of JVM garbage collection pauses.
jvm.gc.pause.avg Average JVM garbage collection pauses.
jvm.gc.pause.seconds.count Time spent in JVM garbage collection pause.
jvm.gc.pause.seconds.max Maximum time spent in JVM garbage collection pauses.
jvm.gc.pause.seconds.sum Sum of the duration spent in JVM garbage collection pauses.
jvm.gc.pause.seconds.max.gauge An estimate of the maximum time spent in JVM garbage collection pauses.
jvm.memory.max* Maximum JVM memory metrics.
jvm.memory.max The maximum JVM memory available.
jvm.memory.max.bytes The maximum amount of memory that can be used for memory management.
jvm.memory.max.bytes.gauge The maximum JVM memory space.
jvm.memory.committed* Metrics for JVM committed memory.
jvm.memory.committed JVM committed memory.
jvm.memory.committed.bytes JVM committed memory in bytes.
jvm.memory.committed.bytes.gauge An estimate of the JVM committed memory.
jvm.memory.heap.* JVM memory heap metrics.
jvm.memory.heap.max Maximum JVM memory heap.
jvm.memory.heap.committed Committed JVM memory heap.
jvm.memory.heap.init Initial amount of heap memory (in bytes) that the JVM requests.
jvm.memory.heap.usage Amount of JVM memory heap.
jvm.memory.heap.used The amount of used JVM memory heap.
jvm.memory.non-heap.* JVM memory non-heap metrics.
jvm.memory.non-heap.max The maximum memory the JVM allocated for purposes other than the heap.
jvm.memory.non-heap.committed The committed memory the JVM allocated for purposes other than the heap.
jvm.memory.non-heap.init Initial amount of non-heap memory.
jvm.memory.non-heap.usage Amount of JVM non-heap memory.
jvm.memory.non-heap.used The amount of used JVM non-heap memory.
jvm.memory.pools.Code-Cache.* Metrics for the code cache memory pool.
jvm.memory.pools.Code-Cache.max Maximum size of the code cache memory pool.
jvm.memory.pools.Code-Cache.committed Committed size of the code cache memory pool.
jvm.memory.pools.Code-Cache.init Initial size of the code cache memory pool.
jvm.memory.pools.Code-Cache.usage Size of the code cache memory pool.
jvm.memory.pools.Code-Cache.used Used size of the code cache memory pool.
jvm.memory.pools.Compressed-Class-Space.* Metrics for the compressed class space memory pool.
jvm.memory.pools.Compressed-Class-Space.max Maximum size of the compressed class space memory pool.
jvm.memory.pools.Compressed-Class-Space.committed Committed size of the compressed class space memory pool.
jvm.memory.pools.Compressed-Class-Space.init Initial size of the compressed class space memory pool.
jvm.memory.pools.Compressed-Class-Space.usage Size of the compressed class space memory pool.
jvm.memory.pools.Compressed-Class-Space.used Used size of the compressed class space memory pool.
jvm.memory.pools.G1-Eden-Space.* Metrics for the G1-Eden-Space memory pool.
jvm.memory.pools.G1-Eden-Space.max Maximum size of the G1-Eden-Space memory pool.
jvm.memory.pools.G1-Eden-Space.committed Committed size of the G1-Eden-Space memory pool.
jvm.memory.pools.G1-Eden-Space.init Initial size of the G1-Eden-Space memory pool.
jvm.memory.pools.G1-Eden-Space.usage Size of the G1-Eden-Space memory pool.
jvm.memory.pools.G1-Eden-Space.used Used size of the G1-Eden-Space memory pool.
jvm.memory.pools.G1-Eden-Space.used-after-gc Used size of the G1-Eden-Space memory pool after garbage collection.
jvm.memory.pools.G1-Old-Gen.* Metrics for the G1-Old-Gen memory pool.
jvm.memory.pools.G1-Old-Gen.max Maximum size of the G1-Old-Gen memory pool.
jvm.memory.pools.G1-Old-Gen.committed Committed size of the G1-Old-Gen memory pool.
jvm.memory.pools.G1-Old-Gen.init Initial size of the G1-Old-Gen memory pool.
jvm.memory.pools.G1-Old-Gen.usage Size of the G1-Old-Gen memory pool.
jvm.memory.pools.G1-Old-Gen.used Used size of the G1-Old-Gen memory pool.
jvm.memory.pools.G1-Old-Gen.used-after-gc G1-Old-Gen memory pool after garbage collection.
jvm.memory.pools.G1-Survivor-Space.* Metrics for the G1-Survivor-Space memory pool.
jvm.memory.pools.G1-Survivor-Space.max Maximum size of the G1-Survivor-Space memory pool.
jvm.memory.pools.G1-Survivor-Space.committed Committed size of the G1-Survivor-Space memory pool.
jvm.memory.pools.G1-Survivor-Space.init Initial size of the G1-Survivor-Space memory pool.
jvm.memory.pools.G1-Survivor-Space.usage Size of the G1-Survivor-Space memory pool.
jvm.memory.pools.G1-Survivor-Space.used Used size of the G1-Survivor-Space memory pool.
jvm.memory.pools.G1-Survivor-Space.used-after-gc Used size of the G1-Survivor-Space memory pool after garbage collection.
jvm.memory.pools.Metaspace.* Metrics for the JVM metaspace memory pool.
jvm.memory.pools.Metaspace.max Maximum size of the JVM metaspace memory pool.
jvm.memory.pools.Metaspace.committed Committed size of the JVM metaspace memory pool.
jvm.memory.pools.Metaspace.init Initial size of the JVM metaspace memory pool.
jvm.memory.pools.Metaspace.usage Size of the JVM metaspace memory pool.
jvm.memory.pools.Metaspace.used Used size of the JVM metaspace memory pool.
jvm.memory.pools.PS-Eden-Space.* Metrics for Metrics for the JVM PS-Eden-Space memory pool.
jvm.memory.pools.PS-Eden-Space.max Maximum size of the JVM PS-Eden-Space memory pool.
jvm.memory.pools.PS-Eden-Space.committed Committed size of the JVM PS-Eden-Space memory pool.
jvm.memory.pools.PS-Eden-Space.init Initial size of the JVM PS-Eden-Space memory pool.
jvm.memory.pools.PS-Eden-Space.usage Size of the JVM PS-Eden-Space memory pool.
jvm.memory.pools.PS-Eden-Space.used Used size of the JVM PS-Eden-Space memory pool.
jvm.memory.pools.PS-Eden-Space.used-after-gc Used size of the JVM PS-Eden-Space memory pool after garbage collection.
jvm.memory.pools.PS-Old-Gen.max Metrics for the JVM PS-Old-Gen memory pool.
jvm.memory.pools.PS-Old-Gen.max Maximum size of the JVM PS-Old-Gen memory pool.
jvm.memory.pools.PS-Old-Gen.committed Committed size of the JVM PS-Old-Gen memory pool.
jvm.memory.pools.PS-Old-Gen.init Initial size of the JVM PS-Old-Gen memory pool.
jvm.memory.pools.PS-Old-Gen.usage Size of the JVM PS-Old-Gen memory pool.
jvm.memory.pools.PS-Old-Gen.used Used size of the JVM PS-Old-Gen memory pool.
jvm.memory.pools.PS-Old-Gen.used-after-gc Used size of the JVM PS-Old-Gen memory pool after garbage collection.
jvm.memory.pools.PS-Survivor-Space.* Metrics for the JVM PS-Survivor-Space memory pool.
jvm.memory.pools.PS-Survivor-Space.max Maximum size of the JVM PS-Survivor-Space memory pool.
jvm.memory.pools.PS-Survivor-Space.committed Committed size of the JVM PS-Survivor-Space memory pool.
jvm.memory.pools.PS-Survivor-Space.init Initial size of the JVM PS-Survivor-Space memory pool.
jvm.memory.pools.PS-Survivor-Space.usage Size of the JVM PS-Survivor-Space memory pool.
jvm.memory.pools.PS-Survivor-Space.used Used size of the JVM PS-Survivor-Space memory pool.
jvm.memory.pools.PS-Survivor-Space.used-after-gc Used size of the JVM PS-Survivor-Space memory pool after garbage collection.
jvm.memory.total.* Metrics for total JVM memory.
jvm.memory.total.max Maximum total JVM memory.
jvm.memory.total.committed Committed total JVM memory.
jvm.memory.total.init Initial total JVM memory.
jvm.memory.total.used Used total JVM memory.
jvm.memory.used Metrics for used JVM memory.
jvm.memory.used The amount of used memory.
jvm.memory.used.bytes The amount of used memory in bytes.
jvm.memory.used.bytes.gauge An estimate of the used memory.
jvm.thread-states.* JVM thread state metrics.
jvm.thread-states.count JVM thread state number.
jvm.thread-states.blocked.count JVM blocked thread states number.
jvm.thread-states.daemon.count JVM daemon thread states number.
jvm.thread-states.deadlock.count JVM deadlock thread states number.
jvm.thread-states.new.count JVM new thread states number.
jvm.thread-states.runnable.count JVM runnable thread states number.
jvm.thread-states.terminated.count JVM terminated thread states number.
jvm.thread-states.timed_waiting.count JVM timed_waiting thread states number.
jvm.thread-states.waiting.count JVM waiting thread states number.
jvm.threads.* JVM thread metrics
jvm.threads.count JVM threads number.
jvm.threads.blocked.count JVM blocked threads number.
jvm.threads.daemon.count JVM daemon threads number.
jvm.threads.daemon.threads JVM daemon threads.
jvm.threads.daemon.threads.gauge An estimate of the JVM daemon threads.
jvm.threads.deadlock.count JVM deadlock threads number.
jvm.threads.live JVM live threads number.
jvm.threads.live.threads JVM live threads.
jvm.threads.live.threads.gauge An estimate of the JVM live threads.
jvm.threads.new.count JVM new threads number.
jvm.threads.peak JVM peak threads.
jvm.threads.peak.threads JVM peak threads number.
jvm.threads.peak.threads.gauge An estimate of the JVM peak threads.
jvm.threads.runnable.count JVM runnable threads number.
jvm.threads.states JVM states threads.
jvm.threads.states.threads JVM states threads number.
jvm.threads.states.threads.gauge An estimate of the JVM states threads.
jvm.threads.terminated.count JVM terminated threads number.
jvm.threads.timed_waiting.count JVM timed_waiting threads number.
jvm.threads.waiting.count JVM waiting threads number.
jvm.uptime JVM uptime.
java.class.loading.LoadedClassCount Count of loaded classes.
java.class.loading.TotalLoadedClassCount Total number of loaded classes.
java.class.loading.UnloadedClassCount Count of unloaded classes.
java.garbage.collector.CollectionCount Collection count of Garbage Collector.
java.garbage.collector.CollectionTime Collection time of Garbage Collector.
java.last.garbage.collection.LastGcInfo.LastGcInfo.GcThreadCount Thread count of last garbage collection information.
java.last.garbage.collection.LastGcInfo.LastGcInfo.duration Duration of the last garbage collection information.
java.last.garbage.collection.LastGcInfo.LastGcInfo.endTime End time of last garbage collection information.
java.last.garbage.collection.LastGcInfo.LastGcInfo.id ID of last garbage collection information.
java.last.garbage.collection.LastGcInfo.LastGcInfo.memoryUsageAfterGc.CodeHeap–non-nmethods-.* Statistics: committed, init, max, used
java.last.garbage.collection.LastGcInfo.LastGcInfo.memoryUsageAfterGc.CodeHeap–non-profiled-nmethods-.* Statistics: committed, init, max, used
java.last.garbage.collection.LastGcInfo.LastGcInfo.memoryUsageAfterGc.CodeHeap–profiled-nmethods-.* Statistics: committed, init, max, used
java.last.garbage.collection.LastGcInfo.LastGcInfo.memoryUsageAfterGc.Compressed-Class-Space.* Statistics: committed, init, max, used
java.last.garbage.collection.LastGcInfo.LastGcInfo.memoryUsageAfterGc.G1-Eden-Space.* Statistics: committed, init, max, used
java.last.garbage.collection.LastGcInfo.LastGcInfo.memoryUsageAfterGc.G1-Old-Gen.* Statistics: committed, init, max, used
java.last.garbage.collection.LastGcInfo.LastGcInfo.memoryUsageAfterGc.G1-Survivor-Space.* Statistics: committed, init, max, used
java.last.garbage.collection.LastGcInfo.LastGcInfo.memoryUsageAfterGc.Metaspace.* Statistics: committed, init, max, used
java.last.garbage.collection.LastGcInfo.LastGcInfo.memoryUsageBeforeGc.CodeHeap–non-nmethods-.* Statistics: committed, init, max, used
java.last.garbage.collection.LastGcInfo.LastGcInfo.memoryUsageBeforeGc.CodeHeap–non-profiled-nmethods-.* Statistics: committed, init, max, used
java.last.garbage.collection.LastGcInfo.LastGcInfo.memoryUsageBeforeGc.CodeHeap–profiled-nmethods-.* Statistics: committed, init, max, used
java.last.garbage.collection.LastGcInfo.LastGcInfo.memoryUsageBeforeGc.Compressed-Class-Space.* Statistics: committed, init, max, used
java.last.garbage.collection.LastGcInfo.LastGcInfo.memoryUsageBeforeGc.G1-Eden-Space.* Statistics: committed, init, max, used
java.last.garbage.collection.LastGcInfo.LastGcInfo.memoryUsageBeforeGc.G1-Old-Gen.* Statistics: committed, init, max, used
java.last.garbage.collection.LastGcInfo.LastGcInfo.memoryUsageBeforeGc.G1-Survivor-Space.* Statistics: committed, init, max, used
java.last.garbage.collection.LastGcInfo.LastGcInfo.memoryUsageBeforeGc.Metaspace.* Statistics: committed, init, max, used
java.last.garbage.collection.LastGcInfo.LastGcInfo.startTime Start time of last garbage collection information.
java.memory.HeapMemoryUsage.* Amount of JVM heap memory Usage.</br>Statistics: committed, init, max, used
java.memory.NonHeapMemoryUsage.* Amount of JVM non-heap memory Usage.</br>Statistics: committed, init, max, used
java.memory.ObjectPendingFinalizationCount Count of objects pending finalization.
java.memory.pool.CollectionUsage.* Collection usage of memory pool.</br>Statistics: committed, init, max, used
java.memory.pool.PeakUsage.* Peak usage of memory pool.</br>Statistics: committed, init, max, used
java.memory.pool.Usage.* Usage of memory pool.</br>Statistics: committed, init, max, used
java.operating.system.CommittedVirtualMemorySize Total amount of committed virtual memory size.
java.operating.system.FreePhysicalMemorySize Total amount of free physical memory size.
java.operating.system.FreeSwapSpaceSize Total amount of free swap space size.
java.operating.system.MaxFileDescriptorCount Maximum count of file descriptors.
java.operating.system.OpenFileDescriptorCount Count of open file descriptors.
java.operating.system.ProcessCpuLoad Process CPU load.
java.operating.system.ProcessCpuTime Process CPU time.
java.operating.system.SystemCpuLoad System CPU load.
java.operating.system.SystemLoadAverage System load average over a period of time.
java.operating.system.TotalPhysicalMemorySize Total amount of physical memory size.
java.operating.system.TotalSwapSpaceSize Total amount of swap space size.
java.operating.system.AvailableProcessors Count of processors.
java.runtime.Uptime JVM uptime.
java.threading.DaemonThreadCount Count of daemon threads.
java.threading.PeakThreadCount Count of peak threads.
java.threading.ThreadCount Count of threads.
java.threading.TotalStartedThreadCount Count of started threads.


  • Percentage of Heap Memory Used:Alert is reporting when the heap memory usage is too high. If a prefix is configured in the application, update the metrics’ prefix in the condition for the metrics.
  • Percentage of G1 Old Generation Memory Used:Alert is reporting when the memory usage by G1 old generation is too high. If a prefix is configured in the application, update the metrics’ prefix in the condition for the metrics.