Learn about the Zabbix Integration.

This page provides an overview of what you can do with the Zabbix integration. The documentation pages only for a limited number of integrations contain the setup steps and instructions. If you do not see the setup steps here, navigate to the Operations for Applications GUI. The detailed instructions for setting up and configuring all integrations, including the Zabbix integration are on the Setup tab of the integration.

  1. Log in to your Operations for Applications instance.
  2. Click Integrations on the toolbar, search for and click the Zabbix tile.
  3. Click the Setup tab and you will see the most recent and up-to-date instructions.

Zabbix Integration

Wavefront provides a data adapter for Zabbix that allows you to easily send data to Wavefront. If you are already using Zabbix for monitoring, then you can use our adapter to send the same metrics to Wavefront without any configuration changes to your existing Zabbix environment. The Zabbix Database Adapter polls your Zabbix database at a configurable interval and sends new metrics to Wavefront.

In addition to setting up the metrics flow, this integration also installs a dashboard. Here’s a screenshot of the dashboard displaying Zabbix metrics.



Metric Name Description
zabbix.agent.ping Zabbix agent ping shown as a unit.
zabbix.kernel.maxfiles Maximum number of opened files supported by OS.
zabbix.kernel.maxproc Maximum number of processes supported by OS.
zabbix.net.if.in.ens160 Incoming traffic statistics on network interface.
zabbix.net.if.out.ens160 Outgoing traffic statistics on network interface.
zabbix.preprocessing_queue Zabbix preprocessing queue.
zabbix.proc.num Number of processes.
zabbix.proc.num.run Number of running processes.
zabbix.process.alert.manager.avg.busy Average percentage of time alert manager processes have been busy in the last minute.
zabbix.process.alerter.avg.busy Average percentage of time alerter processes have been busy in the last minute.
zabbix.process.configuration.syncer.avg.busy Average percentage of time configuration syncer processes have been busy in the last minute.
zabbix.process.discoverer.avg.busy Average percentage of time discoverer processes have been busy in the last minute.
zabbix.process.escalator.avg.busy Average percentage of time escalator processes have been busy in the last minute.
zabbix.process.history.syncer.avg.busy Average percentage of time history syncer processes have been busy in the last minute.
zabbix.process.housekeeper.avg.busy Average percentage of time housekeeper processes have been busy in the last minute.
zabbix.process.http.poller.avg.busy Average percentage of time http poller processes have been busy in the last minute.
zabbix.process.icmp.pinger.avg.busy Average percentage of time icmp pinger processes have been busy in the last minute.
zabbix.process.poller.avg.busy Average percentage of time poller processes have been busy in the last minute.
zabbix.process.preprocessing.manager.avg.busy Average percentage of time preprocessing manager processes have been busy in the last minute.
zabbix.process.preprocessing.worker.avg.busy Average percentage of time preprocessing worker processes have been busy in the last minute.
zabbix.process.proxy.poller.avg.busy Average percentage of time proxy poller processes have been busy in the last minute
zabbix.process.self-monitoring.avg.busy Average percentage of time self-monitoring processes have been busy in the last minute.
zabbix.process.task.manager.avg.busy Average percentage of time task manager processes have been busy in the last minute.
zabbix.process.timer.avg.busy Average percentage of time timer processes have been busy in the last minute.
zabbix.process.trapper.avg.busy Average percentage of time trapper processes have been busy in the last minute.
zabbix.process.unreachable.poller.avg.busy Average percentage of time unreachable poller processes have been busy in the last minute.
zabbix.queue Number of monitored items in the queue which are delayed at least by 6 seconds.
zabbix.queue.10m Number of monitored items in the queue which are delayed at least by 10 minutes.
zabbix.rcache.buffer.pused Availability statistics of Zabbix configuration cache. Percentage of used buffer.
zabbix.system.boottime System boot time.
zabbix.system.cpu.intr Device interrupts per second.
zabbix.system.cpu.load.percpu.avg1 Average CPU load per 1m.
zabbix.system.cpu.load.percpu.avg15 Average CPU load per 15m.
zabbix.system.cpu.load.percpu.avg5 Average CPU load per 5m.
zabbix.system.cpu.switches Context switches per second.
zabbix.system.cpu.util.guest Guest time (time spent running a virtual CPU for a guest operating system).
zabbix.system.cpu.util.guest_nice Time spent running a niced guest (virtual CPU for guest operating systems under the control of the Linux kernel).
zabbix.system.cpu.util.idle The time the CPU has spent doing nothing.
zabbix.system.cpu.util.interrupt The amount of time the CPU has been servicing hardware interrupts.
zabbix.system.cpu.util.iowait The amount of time the CPU has been waiting for I/O to complete.
zabbix.system.cpu.util.nice The time the CPU has spent running users’ processes that have been niced.
zabbix.system.cpu.util.softirq The amount of time the CPU has been servicing software interrupts.
zabbix.system.cpu.util.steal The amount of CPU ‘stolen’ from this virtual machine by the hypervisor for other tasks (such as running another virtual machine).
zabbix.system.cpu.util.system The time the CPU has spent running the kernel and its processes.
zabbix.system.cpu.util.user The time the CPU has spent running users’ processes that are not niced.
zabbix.system.localtime System local time of the host.
zabbix.system.swap.size.free The free space of swap volume/file in bytes.
zabbix.system.swap.size.pfree The free space of swap volume/file in percent.
zabbix.system.swap.size.total The total space of swap volume/file in bytes.
zabbix.system.uptime System uptime in N days, hh:mm:ss format.
zabbix.system.users.num Number of users who are currently logged in.
zabbix.vcache.buffer.pused Percentage of free buffer value cache.
zabbix.vcache.cache.hits Number of value cache hits.
zabbix.vcache.cache.misses Number of value cache misses.
zabbix.vcache.cache.mode Value cache operating mode.
zabbix.vfs.file.cksum.etc.passwd Checksum of /etc/passwd.
zabbix.vfs.fs.inode.pfree Percentage of free filesystem inodes.
zabbix.vfs.fs.size.free Free filesystem storage.
zabbix.vfs.fs.size.pfree Percentage of free filesystem storage.
zabbix.vfs.fs.size.total Total size of the filesystem storage.
zabbix.vfs.fs.size.used Used filesystem storage.
zabbix.vm.memory.size.available Available memory. In Linux, available = free + buffers + cache. On other platforms calculation may vary.
zabbix.vm.memory.size.total Total memory in Bytes.
zabbix.wcache.history.pused Percentage of used history buffer.
zabbix.wcache.index.pused Percentage of used history index buffer.
zabbix.wcache.trend.pused Percentage of used trend buffer.
zabbix.wcache.values Total number of values processed by Zabbix server or Zabbix proxy, except unsupported items.
zabbix.wcache.values.float Number of processed float values.
zabbix.wcache.values.log Number of processed log values.
zabbix.wcache.values.not.supported Number of times item processing resulted in item becoming unsupported or keeping that state.
zabbix.wcache.values.str Number of processed character/string values.
zabbix.wcache.values.text Number of processed text values.
zabbix.wcache.values.uint Number of processed unsigned integer values.