Reference to the weekday() function


weekday(<timeZone> [,<tsExpression])

Returns the day of the week in the specified time zone.


timeZone String identifier or alias for a time zone, such as "US/Pacific". Names are case sensitive and must be enclosed in quotes. For a list of valid time zone identifiers and their aliases, see
tsExpression Optional expression to which you want to apply this function.


The weekday() standard time function returns the day of the week in the specified time zone. A day of the week is represented as a whole number from 1 through 7, as defined by the Gregorian calendar. Weekdays are represented from 1 (Monday) through 5 (Friday), and weekends are represented as 6 (Saturday) and 7 (Sunday).

The returned values are plotted against the times shown on the x-axis. The returned series is generally a straight line, unless you are looking at a chart that includes times from multiple days. weekday() automatically adjusts its return values for daylight savings time.

weekday() is particularly useful when you want to define an alert that fires only on a specific day or range of days of a week. For example, you could use an expression such as between(weekday("America/Chicago"),6,7) in an alert condition to ensure that the alert fires only on a weekend in Central Standard Time.


Example 1: Showing Days of the Week

This chart shows data for several weeks. 1 represents Monday and 7 represents Sunday. weekday

Example 2: Defining an Alert that Fires on Particular Days

Here we include (weekday("UTC") = 6 OR weekday("UTC") = 7 to create an alert that fires when the CPU load average rises above 2.5 on the weekend. weekday alert

See Also

day() Function

dayOfYear() Function