Reference to the hideBefore() function


hideBefore(<timeWindow>, <tsExpression>)

Hides data that’s older than the specified time.

For example, hideBefore(10m) hides data that’s older than 10 minutes. The function updates so that at any time, you see only 10 minutes of data.


timeWindow Amount of time for which you want to keep data. For example, hideBefore(10m) hides data that’s older than 10 minutes.
tsExpression Expression that describes the time series you want to filter.


The hideBefore() and hideAfter() functions allow you to pan chart windows into the future to further refine the display. They can be especially useful in conjunction with predictive functions, but also make charts easier to view by hiding unnecessary detail.


The following example shows how we use hideBefore() to start displaying data at the point in time 10 minutes ago. It’s clear how hideBefore() can be useful in conjunction with a predictive function.

hide before image