Here's how our users get started with Wavefront:

Data Ingestion
Expore our integrations - From Kubernetes to cloud, it's all there!

Examine data in dashboards and charts. Drill down to see exactly what you need.

Explore Query Language functions and use them effectively.

Understand alerts, targets, and notifications and learn about custom alerts.
Pages labeled with .
Get data in, visualize it, and learn more!
Title | Summary |
Alerts FAQ | Learn alert customization from our experts. |
Manage API Tokens | Learn how you can generate and manage API tokens in VMware Aria Operations for Applications (previously known as Tanzu Observability by Wavefront). |
High Cardinality Data | Learn about how the service deals with cardinality. |
Chart Builder | Use Chart Builder to display the data you're interested in. |
Learning Resources | Come up to speed with tutorials in product, GitHub, and docs. |
Glossary | Learn how we use technical terms. |
Logs Troubleshooting | Learn how to customize your logging experience and find answers for frequently asked questions. |
Get Started with Logs | Learn about VMware Aria Operations for Applications (formerly known as Tanzu Observability by Wavefront) metrics, logs, and traces. |
Logs Proxy Configurations and Preprocessor Rules | Proxy configuration properties and preprocessor rules for logging. |
Send Logs | Learn about sending logs to VMware Aria Operations for Applications (formerly known as Tanzu Observability by Wavefront). |
Optimizing the Data Shape to Improve Performance | Learn how to optimize your data in high-cardinality environments. |
Query Editor | Query your metrics with query language functions and variables. |
Query Language Tutorial | Watch some videos, run a query, apply filters and functions, and more. |
Organizing with Tags | Learn how to use tags to focus and speed up queries display and to unclutter the UI. |
Product FAQ | Get answers to the top frequently asked questions for VMware Aria Operations for Applications (formerly known as Tanzu Observability by Wavefront). |
Distributed Tracing Overview | Collect and visualize trace data from your applications. |
Explore Data Tutorial | Learn how to use dashboards and charts with sample data. |
Create and Customize Charts | Create charts, add and manage queries, and customize the chart. |
Charts FAQ | Learn chart customization from the experts. |
Create, Customize, and Optimize Dashboards | Create dashboards, add charts, customize dashboard layout, and troubleshoot dashboards. |
Examine Data with Dashboards and Charts | Examine data with dashboards and charts |
Videos | Learn about VMware Aria Operations for Applications (formerly known as Tanzu Observability by Wavefront) with videos. |
REST API | Learn about the REST API for managing VMware Aria Operations for Applications (previously known as Tanzu Observability by Wavefront). |
Use the Operations for Applications REST API | Learn how to use the REST API outside of the in-product API documentation UI. |
Operations for Applications CLIs | You can use different CLIs with VMware Aria Operations for Applications (previously known as Tanzu Observability by Wavefront). |
Service Interfaces | An overview of the various interfaces for interacting with VMware Aria Operations for Applications (formerly known as Tanzu Observability by Wavefront). |
Product Intro | Learn about the architecture, interfaces, and how to get started. |
Operations for Applications SDKs | Learn about SDKs that enable applications to report metrics, histograms, and trace data to VMware Aria Operations for Applications (previously known as Tanzu Observability by Wavefront). |
Performing Searches | Learn how to search for objects using tags and other search features. |
Support and Feedback | Get help with and give feedback. |