New and updated features.

These release notes give an overview of the changes for the 2022-32.x to 2022-39.x releases of the VMware Aria Operations for Applications (previously known as Tanzu Observability by Wavefront) service.

2022-39.x Release Notes

Hide Warning Messages on Charts:
You can now turn off the warning icons for all charts in a dashboard from the Dashboard Settings dialog. See Set Dashboard Display Preferences and Settings.
Dashboard Advanced Settings supports hiding warning icons

2022-36.x Release Notes

  • Accessibility and Keyboard Navigation Improvements: When you set a custom time window for a dashboard or a chart, in the Time window picker, you can now use the keyboard to enter the months for the start and end dates.
  • Integrations: We had an integrations release in September! We made a lot of bug fixes and significant improvements to a number of integrations. See the Integration Release Notes for details.

2022-35.x Release Notes

Improved System Alerts Experience: Some integrations contain predefined system alerts. We have made several user experience improvements:

  • No settings can be edited in Preview mode.
  • All settings that cannot be modified in Edit mode are now shown as non-editable.
  • We have implemented a Clone button on top of each system integration alert. The button allows you to easily clone the integration alert right after you open it in Edit mode.

Example screenshot that shows the clone button

2022-34.x Release Notes

We published several new videos to VMware TV:

You can watch the videos in the Integrations for Tanzu Observability playlist:

2022-33.x Release Notes

We’ve made the following improvements to the Wavefront service:

  • The Usage Limit chart on the ingestion policy dashboard now shows the P95 usage by the policy out of the PPS limit.
  • Integrations: The August 2022 integrations release was made available! We made significant improvements to a number of integrations and also added the VMware Tanzu Greenplum integration. See the Integration Release Notes for details.

Concurrently with this release, we’ve just released Wavefront Proxy 11.4.

  • Added the following internal metrics for proxy logs:
    • ~proxy.logs.*.received.messageLength: Size of log message fields before validation
    • ~proxy.logs.*.received.tagLength: Size of label per log message
    • ~proxy.logs.*.received.batches: Number of incoming batches of logs
  • For preprocessor rules extractTag and extractTagIfNotExists, applied rule to tag key values when source is pointLine.
  • Improved accuracy of exponential delta histograms at the lowest percentiles.
  • Completed fix to block points with EOT characters.
  • Fixed an issue where the span log sampling policy was not synced with the Wavefront server.
  • Updated the dependency versions.

2022-32.x Release Notes

Self-Service Upgrade From a Trial Version:

Super Admin users can now upgrade from a trial version and purchase Tanzu Observability.

  1. In the Tanzu Observability UI, click the Upgrade button on the banner showing the remaining number of days from your trial period.
  2. Connect your VMware account and organization when redirected to the VMware Cloud Services Console.
  3. Choose your preferred billing model and commit duration and finalize your order when redirected back to the Tanzu Observability UI.

The Upgrade button on the trial version banner.
Self-Service Purchase of Additional Tanzu Observability Capacity

We extended the Usage Portal to Usage and Subscriptions, so Super Admin users can now add more capacity to their existing Tanzu Observability subscriptions.

  1. In the Tanzu Observability UI, click the gear icon and select Usage and Subscriptions.
  2. On the Subscriptions tab, click Add more capacity for your active Tanzu Observability subscription.
  3. Follow the wizard to increase your monthly commitment of PPS.

The Add more capacity button on the Subscriptions tab.
Time Window Picker Changes:
We have updated the time window picker for dashboards. You now can see two tabs on it:
  • Preset Times - allows you to set the time window settings by selecting a time period from a list of preset times.
  • Custom Times - allows you to set a custom time window by specifying a start date and time and an end date and time.

See Set the Time Window for details.

Preset time window settings.

Custom time window settings.